THE government is developing a new plan to counter cyber crime to secure digital transactions and content and encourage investments in internet infrastructure, Permanent Secretary Bitange Ndemo has said.
Speaking during the national cyber security forum held yesterday, the Information and Communications PS said there is need for a secure, reliable and efficient means of tackling cyber crime in the country.
“The government is in the process of developing a national cyber security strategy masterplan which will provide the government with a national level plan to defend and secure its digital infrastructure,” said Ndemo.
Communications Commission of Kenya director general Francis Wangusi said Kenya has recently had a surge in cyber crimes such as website defacement, impersonation on social media, email account hacking, cyber bullying, copyright infringement and mobile money transfer fraud.
“The local banks have increasingly become targets of electronic fraud,” said Wangusi. The planned cyber security strategy will recommend cyber security standards for the country’s ICT sector. CCK’s director for ICT Michael Katundu said: “banks are suffering quietly.”
Katundu said the use of weak passwowrds such as one’s name and birthday and sharing of PIN numbers has greatly compromised online and mobile banking transactions.
Katundu added Kenya was in need of relevant regulations and laws that will support the fight against cyber crime. He said technical measures should be taken by the government to help this cause and recommended establishment of a national computer incidence response team.
Speakers at the forum called for faster implementation of this strategy especially because of the move to give laptops for primary school children who may become victims of cyber bullying or be exposed to pornographic sites.

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