Cybercrimes : classification, investigation and counteraction
Shinkarenko I.R., Golubev V.О., Karchevskiy N.V., Kharaberiush I.F.
MIA of Ukraine, Donetsk Law Institute of Lugansk State University of Interior Affairs . – Donetsk: РВВ ЛДУВС, 2007. – 267 pages ІSBN 966-8227-15-8
The manuscript investigates constituent elements of offences stipulated by paragraph XVI of Criminal Code of Ukraine “CRIMINAL OFFENSES RELATED TO THE USE OF ELECTRONIC COMPUTING MACHINES (COMPUTERS), SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER NETWORKS AND TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORKS” (with amendments made according to the Law of Ukraine dated 05.06.2003 No. 908-IV, dated 23.12.2004 No. 2289-IV). The Manuscript examines theoretical legal basis of operational and technical facilities used for cybercrime prevention. The emphasis is paid on the issue of cybercrime investigation and counteraction.
New manuscript is published by Cybercrime Investigation Centre jointly with Donetsk Law Institute of Lugansk State University of Interior Affairs. -
Cybercrime and cyber-terrorism: Collected scientific papers
Under the editorship of Golubev V.A., Ryzhikova E.V.
Zaporozhye: Cybercrime Investigation Centre, 2005. – Edition 3. – 448 pages.
Collected book includes the articles concerned with cybercrime problems. The articles examine causes of cybercrime, conditions facilitating its rise and propose the ways of cybercrime fighting and prevention. Comparative analysis of criminal law on responsibility for crimes in the area of electronic computing machines (computers), systems and computer networks is carried out. The articles illustrate statistical data, criminological research data, criminalistics and criminological research materials. The Collection book is published by Cyber Crime Investigation Centre (Zaporozhye) jointly with Donetsk Law Institute of MFA of Ukraine.
Cybercrime investigation in CIS countries
Vekhov V. B., Golubev V. А.
Under the editorship of Smagorinskiy B.P. – the Honoured Schience Worker of Russian Federation, Ph.D. in Law . – Volgograd: Volgograd Academy of MIA of Russia, 2004. – 304 pages. ISBN 5-7899-0315-0
This edition is concerned with the most pressing theory and practice challenges of cybercrime investigation in CIS countries. Taking into consideration the latest advances in criminalistics this publication outlines methodological recommendations on organization of certain crime investigation, tactics for conducting certain investigative actions, the investigator’s activity and interaction between agencies of inquiry and specialists. The book is intended for students, postgraduate students and law college instructors, as well as practitioners of preliminary investigation bodies. .
Cyber security: cybercrime defense problems.
Vladimir Golubev
Zaporozhye: Humanities University “Zaporozhye State and Municipal Management Institute”, 2003. – 336 pages. ISBN 966-653-025-2
Onrush of computer technologies and international computer networks as an integral part of modern international financial and banking activity, created opportunities which considerably simplify causes and conditions which facilitate the commission of crimes at the domestic as well as international level. Such crimes got names “computer crimes” or “cybercrimes”. Absence of efficient cybercrime fighting mechanisms threatens the protection of constitutional civil rights and liberties and national security system as a whole. Research of Golubev V.A. “Cyber Security: Cybercrime defense problems”. This book offers an opportunity to find out more about new cyber-security technique – criminal offences related to the use of electronic computing machines (computers), systems and computer networks.
Investigation of cybercrimes
Vladimir Golubev
Zaporozhye: Humanities University “Zaporozhye State and Municipal Management Institute”2003. – 296 pages. ISBN 966-8227-02-6
This Manuscript is concerned with important and actual problems of investigating the cybercrimes committed in the area related to the use of electronic computing machines (computers), systems and computer networks. The author reviews basic aspects of cyber security, areas of its defense, formulates regulations of cybercrime criminalistic parameters, provides recommendations for revelation, fixation and seizure of cybercrime evidences, relying upon the results of his own theory and practice work and generalizing experience of experts in the area of cybercrime prevention. The Manuscript is based on the material accrued for the period of 2002-2003 in the result of joint collaborative work between Transnational Crime and Corruption Centre at American University of USA (Washington) and Cyber Crime Investigation Centre (Zaporozhye) for International Cybercrime Investigation Project.
Problems of fighting cybercrimes in the area of computer technologies’ application. Teaching aid.
Golubev V. А., Gavlovskiy V. D., Tsimbaluk V. S.
Under the general editorship of R.A.Kaluzhny, Ph.D. of Law, Professor. – Zaporozhye: Humanities University “Zaporozhye State and Municipal Management Institute”, 2002. – 292 pages. / Under the general editorship R. A. Kaluzhny, Ph.D. of Law, Professor /.ISBN 966-9521-2-7.
Today fighting the crimes in information and communication areas is so actual and actual as it has never been before. So called “computer crimes” or “cybercrimes” are serious negative effect of the societies’ pervasive computing. This teaching aid is recommended by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and intended for high school students specialized in “Cyber security, information protection, jurisprudence and law enforcement activities”. The book will be useful for postgraduate students, adjuncts, cadets, students of law colleges of Ukraine including MIA system.