Information security in sme

This paper discusses information security issues of small and medium business enterprises registered in the Republic of Moldova. First we will analyze the statistics related to the enterprises under consideration, then the questionnaire developed by the Laboratory of Information Security of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova in cooperation with Cred-Info consulting company.

Economic transformations in majority of countries are related to entrepreneurship development. It is exactly small and middle business that is destined to create new workplaces and jobs, introduce new technologies, and be flexible and mobile. Practical solution of the problems related to entrepreneurship to this day is complicated by the lack of appropriate theoretical research and practical development. Among others, information security management belongs to the list of the issues.
Information security management and ensuring currency is in our opinion demonstrated by insufficient support from the state. Vital functions of small and middle business are not protected from internal and external perils (including information threats), arising during their activity.
It is evident that the state doesn’t have any substantial means of dealing with existent problems in the domain of securing small and medium business, therefore a necessity in a non-state regulation engine shows up.

1. SMBE development over the last years
The number of new enterprises decreases simultaneously with economic slowdown. In January, 2012 their number diminished by 12% compared to the same period of the previous year.
According to state Registration Chamber, in this year’s January 496 new enterprises were registered, while a year back in January the number of new enterprises was 563.
The largest part, 284 new enterprises were registered in Kishinev, leaving 212 to other regions of the Republic. According to state Registration Chamber the most attractive activity sector is wholesale and retail sales: almost a half of the enterprises belong to this sector. The number of liquidated enterprises has grown over the period under consideration as well. In this year’s January 270 companies ceased to exist, while in January 2011 only 204 enterprises were liquidated. About 73% of terminated firms were situated outside of Kishinev city.
By the first of February, 2012, 160948 enterprises were registered in the Republic of Moldova. More than a half of them function in the capital city. 77403 firms are limited companies and 66774 of the total number are personal enterprises.

In 2010 the number of small and medium business enterprises (SMBE) totaled 45.6 thousand, which is by 1.9 thousand enterprises more than in 2009 (which is 4.3% growth). In comparison with 2009, which showed 2.6 thousand enterprises more than 2008, the growth somewhat slowed down but is still considerable. The SMBE sector made up 97.7% of the total number of enterprises registered in the Republic of Moldova. The dynamics of SMBE growth over 2006-2010 years period is represented on figure 1.

The number of employees engaged in SMBE in 2010 totaled 309.4 thousand people, which is 58.8% of all of the population employed at the enterprises of all forms of ownership. The sales income at SMBE totaled 65263.2 million lei, which is 36.8% of total income in the economics over 2010, and is almost 7 milliard lei more than in 2009.


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