Cybercrime: A New Way to Commit Old Crimes

Cybercrime is one of the fastest growing areas of crime. According to forensic examiners, more and more criminals are exploiting the speed, convenience and secrecy that modern technology and cyberspace offers in order to commit old crimes in a new way.
Every ten seconds, that’s how often a cyber offense can take place.
“Computer crime or cybercrime can really relate to any type of crime we’re seeing nowadays with the addition of smart phones, their basically mini computers. So, any type of crime you can actually think about has a portion of cybercrime built in,” said Tyler Wotring, Computer Crime Specialists with the Nation White Collar Crime Center.
“Typically computer or cybercrime is a hacking offense where someone would send out a malicious virus to other computer systems or or throughout the Internet,” said Thomas Macauley, Manager of Computer Crime with the National White Collar Crime Center.
Cybercrime has increased over the course of time, only because computers and other electronic information storage devices have become a daily part of our lives.
It’s difficult to list all the ways computers can be used to commit or conceal a crime. Some hackers are just after money, while others are just looking to swap their identities, or commit a sexual offense.
“Hacking, and even identity theft is huge, and with all the phishing cases that are out there, that’s all a big deal,” said Wotring.
“It can span to anything from a narcotics investigation, to a homicide or any type of complex theft investigation,” said Macauley.
Deleting information off of you phone or computer doesn’t keep you safe. Just because that information gets deleted, doesn’t mean it’s gone forever.
“For us we’re still trying to recover those files that have been deleted. So when you delete something it’s not really gone from the computer. We’re just literally trying to go back in and rebuild the pages to find that data that’s there, it’s still there, it’s just hard to find,” said Wotring.

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