Maintenance safety in os linux

The purpose of the work is the comparative characteristic and the analysis of safety systems in some versions of OS Linux, as well as the studying of the questions connected with an increase of reliability of protection of system.

The brief overview of the references, presented is devoted to problems of safety in OS Linux. the analysis of the modern condition of the problem is presented in this report.
Some versions of Red Hat Linux and SUSE Linux 10.1 have been chosen for studying the problem of safety and priorities of protection. The questions of the local security, the security of files and file system are presented in this work in detail. The report shows some of the additional means given by Ext2 file system. in particular, recommendations on increase of reliability of a system protection, and safety of the user root are resulted.

Data encrypting algorithms and methods used in the various Linux versions are presented in this report for decision of the network safety questions.

This report also summarizes the currently available security features in typical Linux distributions, in addition to other security services and products that can be added. We also discuss ongoing research and development in future versions of Linux that will address emerging security requirements. In this report we focus on security requirements relevant to enterprise-level Internet servers. We show that current Linux distributions provide good security features, equivalent to other comparable operating systems. In addition, numerous optional services and products have been developed that provides further enterprise-level security functionality.

The Linux community has also recognized the need for a single framework upon which this much of this functionality can be leveraged, called the Linux Security Modules (LSM). We should actively participate in making LSM a viable framework for meeting enterprise requirements and help the Linux community add further services to Linux to enable future systems to substantially reduce e-business security risks.

In the end of the report we say why we recommend to use Linux in business, science and other fields which use computers in work and studies.

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